Flea Life Cycle
To get rid of adult fleas on your pet:
• Administer a flea adulticide – checkwith your pet’s veterinarian for their recommendation as there are many goodproducts to choose from that can be administered topically or orally
• Depending on where you live, adulticideneeds to be administered seasonally or year round
Eliminate flea eggs from the environment:
· The majority of the eggs that fleas lay fall offyour pet and into their environment; carpeting, bedding, furniture, and backyard
Eliminate flea larvae from the environment:
• Flea larvae live in the following areas;carpeting, grass lawns, and ground cover
Developing fleas are VERY well protected once in the pupal stage. Prohibit the pupal stage by:
• Administering adulticide
• Eliminating flea eggs and larvae fromthe environment